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The Art of Imagination


We all have challenges provided to us by God so that we may discover who we are and who we were truly made to be. We have also all been given talents necessary to help us overcome our unique challenges. Both are gifts from Heaven. Our identities are not found in our talents and interests, but in our challenges because it is there that we have the opportunity to invite Him into living in us. Wild Goose Designs is a testament to this. The art found here is the result of overcoming challenges through prayer and the Grace of God. It is the result of learning how to Work and Rest in union together with Jesus. When art is made beautiful, it is not by talent alone, but rather by union with God.

We were made to make beautiful things.
If you make yourself vulnerable, you will be crucified. 
Are you man enough for that? 
God was.


Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7

Can it ever be said
that there was a more challenging task ever given to mankind than the bearing and raising of God made flesh?

No two souls have ever invited God into their hearts as much as Mary and Joseph.

God did not simply come in the flesh to die. He came to die a Sacrificial Death. A Work done in three parts. The Mission He accomplished was to consecrate bread and wine as His Body and Blood at His Last Supper establishing the ability for man to do likewise, then to give Himself over as innocent to death on a cross, and then to rise from the dead. 

God, the Holy Spirit, is in all things. He is the source of life and of all things. We can see Him in the beauty of nature all around us. So why go to Church to worship Him when He is everywhere? Because there is one place He does not force Himself to Be. In the heart of Man. It is a gift given to us to have the freedom to invite Him in.  The Work God came to accomplish in the flesh of Man was to establish the means by which we can actively participate in this Invitation. To freely allow Him in. This physical and spiritual action is found in the Eucharist and Man can only find this in the Mass, not nature, because it is not natural, but Supernatural.

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